ERA-CVD Cardiovascular Diseases
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju ogłosiło nabór wniosków do IV międzynarodowego konkursu w ramach programu ERA-CVD Cardiovascular Diseases. Tematyka konkursu obejmuje zagadnienia z zakresu chorób sercowo-naczyniowych.
Zakres tematyczny konkursu: Under the umbrella of ERA-CVD, the fourth joint transnational call JTC2019 is now launched to promote co-operation and interchange between Early Career Scientists and thus enable international collaboration and new consortia establishment in all cardiovascular areas. The ERA-CVD funding organizations particularly wish to promote multi-disciplinary work and translational research proposals. The individual components of joint applications should be complementary and contain novel, ambitious ideas to answer key questions or lead to a step-wise change in understanding of cardiovascular diseases. There should be a clear added value in funding the collaboration over individual projects by sharing of resources...» Czytaj dalej