Horyzont 2020 – aktualne i nadchodzące tematy naborów dot. bezpiecznej i czystej energii
Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy PR UE w RCIiTT ZUT w Szczecinie serdecznie zaprasza do zapoznania się z tematami konkursowymi aktualnych i nadchodzących naborów wniosków w obszarze Secure, clean and efficient energy Programu Ramowego UE Horyzont 2020.
Tym razem prezentujemy Państwu łącznie 26 tematów konkursowych:
1. Tematy, do których nabór ruszył 3 grudnia 2019 r. i potrwa do 21 kwietnia 2020 r.:
- Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies LC-SC3-RES-1-2019-2020;
- Advanced drilling and well completion techniques for cost reduction in geothermal energy LC-SC3-RES-18-2020;
- Development of next generation renewable fuel technologies from CO2 and renewable energy (Power and Energy to Renewable Fuels) LC-SC3-RES-26-2020;
- Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant LC-SC3-RES-31-2020;
- New test rig devices for accelerating ocean energy technology development LC-SC3-RES-32-2020;
- Combined clean biofuel production and phytoremediation solutions from contaminated lands worldwide LC-SC3-RES-37-2020;
2. Tematy, do których nabór ruszył 5 marca i potrwa do 1 września 2020 r.:
- Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020;
- European Energy and Climate Modelling Forum (2020-2024) LC-SC3-CC-7-2020;
- Industrial (Waste) Heat-to-Power conversion LC-SC3-CC-9-2020;
- Low carbon industrial production using CCUS LC-SC3-NZE-5-2020;
- Geological Storage Pilots LC-SC3-NZE-6-2020;
- Efficient combination of Concentrated Solar Power and desalination (with particular focus on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region) LC-SC3-RES-20-2020;
- International cooperation with Japan for Research and Innovation on advanced biofuels and alternative renewable fuels LC-SC3-RES-25-2020;
- International Cooperation with USA and/or China on alternative renewable fuels from sunlight for energy, transport and chemical storage LC-SC3-RES-3-2020;
- Demonstration of innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower potential in Central Asia LC-SC3-RES-34-2020;
- International cooperation with Canada on advanced biofuels and bioenergy LC-SC3-RES-36-2020;
3. Tematy, do których aplikować będzie można od 5 maja do 10 września 2020 r.:
- Financing for energy efficiency investments - Smart Finance for Smart Buildings LC-SC3-B4E-11-2020;
- National roundtables to implement the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative LC-SC3-B4E-12-2020;
- Aggregation - Project Development Assistance LC-SC3-B4E-13-2020;
- Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020;
- Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the building sector LC-SC3-B4E-2-2020;
- Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020;
- Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification LC-SC3-B4E-4-2020;
- The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020;
- Mitigating household energy poverty LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020;
- Supporting public authorities in driving the energy transition LC-SC3-EC-5-2020.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do zapoznania się tematami naborów. Dodatkowych informacji o zakresie tematycznym, warunkach przystąpienia do projektów oraz wysokości finansowania jakie oferuje Komisja Europejska udziela konsultant ds. Programów Ramowych UE, p. Michał Grudziński, e-mail: Michal.Grudziński@zut.edu.pl.