Members of the research team are competent in multi-stakeholder and network cooperation, and have experience in conducting scientific projects in the framework of international cooperation.
The research team in the Department of Management specializes in comprehensive research on farm economics, primarily dairy and beef livestock farms. The research focuses mainly on:
• evaluation of the impact of environmental changes on the conditions and productive-economic performance of farms;
• analyses of the farm strategy and diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of farms, analyse the costs and profitability of agricultural production in different types of holdings;
• assessment of economic viability of farms changes in the level of risk and methods of risk management in farms;
• analysis of efficiency and productivity of farms in the region, country and at international level.
The expertise offered includes:
- economic analysis of agricultural production on farms, including assessment of production profitability, determination of strengths and weaknesses of farms.
- assessing the impact of changes in policy regulations on the economic situation of farms, their technical efficiency and business risk.
- evaluation of the operation strategy of farms in a long-term perspective (mainly specialized in milk and beef production) in terms of changes in economic and technical efficiency, costs and benefits resulting from their implementation.
- analysis and assessment of farms' resilience to changes in factors in their external and internal environment.
- measuring productivity and technical efficiency of farms and their changes in a long-term perspective, together with determining the causes of these changes.
- networking of farms for research and development projects, interested in development and knowledge exchange.
The group is interested in cooperation in:
• create a network of farms ready to implement innovations, open to knowledge and experience exchange in the field of improving their economic situation, technical efficiency and environmental protection;
• to carry out analyses of the influence of agricultural policy changes on farm activities, taking into account their economic viability, technical efficiency and economic risk;
• to conduct international comparisons of the economic viability, productivity and technical efficiency of farms.
Thematic area - Cluster in Horizon Europe: 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.