Modeling and design of decision support systems, UAVs fleet mission planning, Milk-run systems routing and scheduling, intralogistics and multimodal systems, competences management


Koszalin University of Technology

ul. Śniadeckich 2
75-453 Koszalin

Reference number

Research conducted in the Department of Computer Science and Management focuses on issues related to modeling and design of decision support systems dedicated to production systems (covering production flow planning as well as milk-run systems routing and scheduling), supply chain networks (covering UAVs fleet mission planning and optimization of multimodal distribution systems), project portfolio management and  other broadly understood  scheduling problems.
Our team has more than 20 years of experience in this area. Results of ongoing studies (e.g. use of combinatorial optimization methods,  AI and declarative programming methods) have been published in numerous (> 200) scientific papers and were implemented in projects carried out for industry (covering Milk-run systems prototyping, proactive and reactive planning of UAVs fleet  in changing weather conditions, modelling and design of team competence structure resistant to disturbances caused by absenteeism).

The expertise offered includes:
- evaluation (analysis) and prototyping (synthesis) of intralogistics transport systems (design and optimization of Milk-run material supply systems), 
- evaluation (analysis) and prototyping (synthesis) of air transport systems (transport systems based on UAVs) focusing on evaluation and design of missions of flights resistant to changing weather conditions,
- evaluation (analysis) and prototyping (synthesis) of multimodal transport systems focusing on performance evaluation of public transport systems where vehicles of different modes move along closed loops (e.g. subway, urban rail,  bus and/or train transport),
- synthesis of employee competence structures ensuring that organizations are robust to disturbances caused by absenteeism (e.g. unforeseen absenteeism of employees caused by COVID-19, need to handle unforeseen orders and changes in the implementation of planned projects),
- production processes optimization (e.g. covering mass customization, flow-shop/open-shop/jobs-hop problems, cyclic scheduling and batching problems).

The group is interested in cooperation in:
- planning production flow, in particular the organization of Milk Run based intralogistics transport systems (e.g. planning and optimizing delivery, synthesis of the structure of the system guaranteeing its pre-established functioning),
- planning UAVs fleet mission focused on the search for weather-resistant solutions (e.g. emergency management,  rescue missions, etc.),
- management of employee competences in particular, the synthesis of employee  competence structures guaranteeing organization resilience to unforeseen absenteeism of employees (e.g. unforeseen absenteeism of employees caused by COVID-19, unforeseen orders and changes in the implementation of planned projects).

Additional information (e.g. previous experience in Framework Programmes, experience related to innovation projects, prizes, participation in international organisations): 
Experience (last projects):
- Robotics-enabled Logistics and Assistive Services for the Transformable Factory of the Future (2012-2014),  FP7,  TAPAS no 260026,
- Development of a new type of logistic trolley and methods of collision-free and deadlock free implementation of intralogistics processes, NCBiR, (2018) Grant no POIR.01.01.01-00-0485/17, 
- A method of planning employee competence structures resistant to disturbances in the organization's environment (2020-2022),   NCN,  Preludium  2019/33/N/HS4/00379
- Toolboxes for SuperFastLearning digital contents development in STEM (2021-2023),  ERASMUS+, KA226-9BA04D81.
Participation in: 
TC 5.2. Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics, IFAC,
TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control, IFAC.

Thematic area - Cluster in Horizon Europe: 3. Civil Security for Society, 4. Digital, Industry and Space